The Blessed Virgin revealed to St. Bridget that she would grant seven graces to those who honor and accompany her daily, praying seven Hail Marys, meditating on her tears and sorrows. Thus she said to her:
“I look now at all those who live in the world to see if there is anyone who pities Me and meditates on My sorrow; but I find very few who think of My tribulation and sufferings. And so you, daughter, do not forget Me, although I am forgotten and despised by many, look at My pain and imitate Me in whatever way you can. Consider my anguish and tears, and be sorry that God’s friends are few”.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary
That which you suffered when you heard THE PROPHECY OF THE ELDER SIMEON, when he told you that the Passion of your Son would be a sword of pain that would pierce your Heart.
Grant that I may love you more each day and that, when I come before the divine throne to give an account of my life, I may hear Jesus Christ tenderly say to me: “My Mother is very happy with you”. (Lk. 2:22-35)
That which you suffered in the flight and exile to Egypt, poor and needy on that long journey.
Grant that I may have an attentive heart to flee from all occasions of sin and that the Holy Family may be, in my home, the example to follow. (Mt 2:13-15).
That which you suffered in having your Son, THE CHILD JESUS, LOST IN THE TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM for three days.
Lead me always by your hand as a child, that I may not be lost. And if ever, because of my sins, I stray from you, let me not rest until I have made a good and sincere confession. (Lk 2:41-50).
That which you endured in the ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS ON THE WAY TO CALVARY, carrying the heavy cross on his shoulders and suffering scorn, insults and falls.
Help me to change my heart so as not to increase the weight of his Cross with new offenses and sins. May I be for Jesus another Cyrenian (Way of the Cross, 4th Station).
FIFTH SORROW: That which you suffered in THE AGONY AND DEATH OF JESUS, NAKED TO THE CROSS between two thieves.
Teach me to accept, with patience, all the crosses that I am living and those that I will have to live, offering them with great love for the conversion of sinners. (Jn 19:17-30).
SIXTH SORROW: That which you suffered in the DESCENT OF JESUS FROM THE CROSS, when you received in your arms that most holy Body, bleeding, with so many wounds and sores.
Be my strength so that I may support with my dedication all those who need me, giving them my time, my affection and all my love. (Mk 15:42-46).
SEVENTH SORROW: That which you suffered in the burial of Jesus, and in your loneliness, now that your Son is buried.
Grant that I may not forget that I am passing through this world and that I may understand that only by dying to myself will I rise to eternal life. (Jn 19:38-42).
Seven Promised Graces
The Seven Graces promised by Mary are:
1. I will put peace in your families.
2. They will be enlightened in the Divine Mysteries.
3. I will console them in their sorrows and accompany them in their labors.
4. I will give them whatever they ask of Me, as long as it does not oppose the Will of My Divine Son and the sanctification of their souls.
5. I will defend them in the spiritual combats with the infernal enemy and I will protect them in all the moments of their life.
6. I will visibly assist them at the moment of their death: they will see the face of their Mother.
7. I have obtained from my Divine Son that those who propagate this devotion (to my tears and sorrows) will be transferred from this earthly life to eternal happiness directly, for all their sins will be erased, and my Son and I will be their eternal consolation and joy.
Our Lady wants us to meditate on her sorrows. That is why when praying each Hail Mary it is very important that, closing our eyes and placing ourselves at her side, we try to live with our hearts what her Immaculate Heart experienced in each of those painful moments of her life. We will understand that pain has a meaning, for not even the Virgin Mary herself was spared by God from experiencing pain.
About Saint Bridget
Saint Bridget was born in Norrtälje, Uppland (Sweden) in 1302. Wife and mother of eight children whom she educated in the faith with dedication.
When she was widowed, she decided to renounce a second marriage to dedicate herself to prayer, penance and works of charity. She sold her possessions, gave them to the Church and entered the Cistercian monastery of Alvastra, in her native country. She died on July 23, 1373. She was canonized in 1401. During the Great Jubilee of the year 2000, Pope St. John Paul II proclaimed her Patroness of Europe.